Canine Influenza: An update on the recent outbreak in the Midwest

With the recent outbreak of canine influenza in the Midwest (Chicago area), we are advising our clients traveling with their pets to this area of the country to consult with us about updating their dog’s influenza vaccine. Currently, there is no vaccine available for this particular strain of the flu (H3N2). The vaccine protects against the H3N8 strain; it is still unclear if it will offer cross-protection against the H3N2 strain.

If your pet has been in an affected area, monitor for symptoms. The most recognizable symptom is a dry cough or “hacking” sound. Other symptoms may include lethargy, reduced appetite, and fever.  Chicago Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center has this helpful infographic on their website that we thought was worth sharing:

Canine Influenza Infographic

For more information about canine flu, we encourage you to read an in-depth FAQ article from the American Medical Association:

To our knowledge, there have been no confirmed local outbreaks in the suburban Washington D.C. or mid-Atlantic area. We will keep you updated if this changes.  As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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